
BrainAhead Online Resource

Words from parents and Educators

My students enjoy the activities but myself and my EA especially like participating in the activities. I look forward to the breathing, stretching and jumping exercises. I really enjoy the BrainAhead program and looking forward to seeing the continued benefits towards my students as well as more activities in the program. Miss. Hosein, Grade Three Teacher
We love using BrainAhead across all grades and especially with the special needs students. I never really realized how children still needed to develop their body movement at 6 years old. It was so interesting to see how many kids cannot cross their midline or do two alternating activities. For example, one of our grade 1s is very athletic and fast but he could not do jumping jacks. The students love doing it and liked to chant, I am alert and ready to work when it is over. They really liked doing the mindfulness activities as well. It seemed to calm them and set the stage for learning. Also, BrainAhead is super quick to respond with support needs. Teacher, Grade One
I am a second grade teacher with eight wonderful years of experience. BrainAhead is by far one of the most intelligently crafted programs I have seen to aid in the social and emotional development of children. I piloted the program this year and found the BrainAhead activities engaging for the students, and easy to implement for the teacher. I used the program videos before lesson times, and it greatly helped the students focus. I think now more than ever, students are faced with additional stresses and are often distracted by the complexity of their lives. BrainAhead fit in beautifully and reminded students to make the mind-body connection they need to be present. I believe elementary students would benefit from the simple, yet powerful, exercises and activities put forth by the BrainAhead creators. Miss. Chong, Grade Two Teacher
Students who have trouble with crossing the midline are really trying hard to do so and are very proud when they have some success after repetition. Teacher, Grade Three
They love it and it calms them down. I got the children to draw a picture of how they feel during the mindfulness course. They drew wonderful pictures of them floating on clouds, walking through the woods, lying down in bed, floating in the sea, watching the sunset, and walking on a rainbow! Teacher, Grade Two
BrainAhead has certainly become a routine for our class and I feel that the children have benefitted from doing the exercises. For the last three weeks, we have had interruptions to our schedule, and I think it is a win when the children ask about it! Teacher, Grade Three
Fabulous program! We can’t thank the BrainAhead team enough. What a gift this program is to education. It’s easy to implement, students look forward to it and we have seen changes in our students. We love it! M. Grout, Principal
BrainAhead is a very user-friendly program and I really like it. It is very helpful to do some brain breaks during my zoom sessions with my special needs students. The Brain Bootcamp is very interesting as it has different activities that incorporate hand-eye coordination, which is good for the brain! Teaching Assistant
Their coordination has improved and children are focussing better! As we progressed through the bootcamp, my students were more able to focus in and settle into the lesson activities. Teacher, Grade Five
My students are beginning to practice kind and curious mindfulness - meaning they are actually participating in the daily activity. They are starting to take risks to close their eyes even when uncomfortable, and take direction to become calm and quiet. Some students still find it challenging to sit for the duration of the lesson but I find even those students becoming more aware of others around them. Teacher, Kindergarten
The students look forward to BrainAhead every day! They enjoy challenging themselves with the movements. Teacher, Kindergarten
One student who I originally noticed had a super hard time focusing on the simplest of moves on the video. He particularly is a student who is off task and has trouble focusing anyways. I was watching his eyes and he would pretend to be doing the activity, but actually kept looking all around him instead. As we went on through the units, I noticed an improvement in him and he now takes Brain Bootcamp quite seriously! He calls himself a "Brain Bootcamp master"; something he was striving to do when a couple of other kids that were friends with him started to take it seriously. K. Senchar, Grade Two/Three Teacher
My students have grown to expect the 10 minutes of mindfulness a day. They are not all eager to sit back and take a moment for quiet but they are becoming more aware of why it is uncomfortable, boring, or tiring. As a teacher, I enjoy 10 minutes to close my eyes and breath, and I think the students like seeing me participate. I am loving the mindfulness program and find that the lessons have spurred a lot of great conversations about feelings, worries, and body awareness Teacher, Kindergarten
Really enjoyed the program. Students made connections and common language was reinforced. M. Hagarty, Kindergarten/Grade One Teacher
The students loved it and it became a routine in our classroom. B. Stutt, Grade One/Two Teacher
I have seen that most students are more calm throughout the day, especially when dealing with challenging situations. It really works on connecting the brain and the body to do small functions, balance, and fine motor movements. The students have become more aware of their strong movements and what is challenging for themselves. From my observations, it is surprising to see how many students find it challenging to do small functions, balance, and fine motor movements. Teacher, Grade Three
Students LOVED getting the stars at the end of each lesson and kept me on track as to which lesson we were on! T. Spencer, Grade Two/Three Teacher
In one particular student, better balance and calmer body during instruction time. My favourite part of this program is the breathing exercise at the end of each exercise. It is a simple but important activity to breathe deeply. Teacher, Grade Two
Students had fun challenging themselves to become a "Brain Bootcamp Master" K. Senchar, Grade Two/Three Teacher
One student who is in grade three, tall for his age, but quite emotionally immature, had trouble focussing, sitting in his seat, etc. is now absolutely still during the lessons, following the directions exactly and is a great role model! At times, I have to look at him closely as he is so relaxed and focussed he may be asleep! T. Spencer, Grade Two/Three Teacher
Some of my students who need practice with self-regulation really enjoyed the mindfulness section for calming themselves. C. Quant, Grade Four/Five Teacher
With gentle reminders, one of my students could make connections to exercises practiced in the Mindfulness program and regulate themselves. M. Hagarty, Kindergarten/Grade One Teacher
My students seem more engaged in their work and are able to focus for longer periods of time. Teacher, Kindergarten

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